Readysell 7 Release Summary – 26th of November, 2009

Readysell 7 Release Summary – 26th of November, 2009

This is a summary of the full release document available in the Release Notes folder of the Support Downloads site. The full document includes a more detailed description of the various changes including screenshots.


  • Corrected bind error message that displayed when printing single return advice reports from the Browse Return Advices window.
  • Corrected problem where WebSphere order imports that are repriced when received into Readysell picked up contract prices but could miss Government price levels.
  • Corrected problem where negative pack and retail breaks could cause cost errors on purchase orders.
  • Corrected problem where turning the WebSphere interface on could cause an error message to display when invoicing orders.
  • Corrected bug where auto invoice of one invoice per order customers did not split orders across sites.
  • Corrected bug where a sale could end up with no site in some very unusual situations involving changing a serial number in the middle of a sale.
  • Corrected bug where query wizard did not work properly on some Browse windows (i.e. Customer Browse, Products Browse, Suppliers Browse).
  • Corrected bug where custom column sort could cause an error message “bind error” on some browse windows.
  • Corrected bug in WebSphere import where importing a WebSphere order at the same time as entering a manual order could damage the orders.
  • Corrected a number of “binding” error messages introduced while building the new WebSphere integration features (those features were for ON and OPD stores only).

New Features

  • The Change A Site On Sales button does not allow you to change sites if the customer is a one invoice per order customer. Doing so can cause problems as the one invoice per order process needs all the sales in a set to be at one site.
  • Added the ability to limit web imports to particular computers. All computers create a system reference if it does not exist. It defaults to having a value of 1 which enables importing on that computer.
  • Added a system reference type ‘INVOICE’, code ‘PRINT-ALL-BACK-ORDERS-ALL-TRANSCODES’. If the value is 1, then outstanding back orders for the customer print on both invoices and picking slips.
  • We are about to implement an automated upgrades status email for customers. Periodically we (Readysell) will be able to send an email to all members letting them know the status of their Readysell upgrades, Catalogue loads, Image updates and Report updates.
  • We are currently deploying new features to test sites to support Phase II integration with WebSphere. A notification and tracking system exists on the main menu and throughout Readysell to allow you to track the status of your WebSphere integration.
  • Interface to IFS (Interactive Freight Systems) automated freight management system. The Readysell consignment notes module can now automatically connect to the IFS freight management system.

[Click here to download the full release notes]