This won’t take long
Follow the steps below to install LogMeIn on your local PC and make it accessible to Readysell support staff.
Step 1
- Click the link on the left and then open the downloaded installer
- Follow the instructions to complete the install
Step 2
Enable Unattended Access in the TeamViewer host
- Right click the TeamViewer icon in your system tray
- Click on Options
- Go to the Security tab
- Click the “Grant Readysell, Readysell Computer Solutions easy access” check box
- Click OK
Step 3
(To be completed by Readysell Support)
Setup the Readysell Support user
- Right click the TeamViewer icon in the system tray
- Click on Options
- Go to the Security tab
- Enter the site password into the “Password” and “Confirm password” fields
- Click OK
- Open an Administrator Command Prompt
- Enter the following command:
NET USER ReadysellSupport * /ADD /FULLNAME:"Readysell Support" /EXPIRES:NEVER /PASSWORDCHG:YES /LOGONPASSWORDCHG:NO && WMIC USERACCOUNT WHERE "Name='ReadysellSupport'" SET PasswordExpires=FALSE && NET LOCALGROUP Administrators ReadysellSupport /ADD