A big thank you to all of our customers that attended the Readysell-Office Brands Integration Webinar last Thursday. This was our first experiment with the format and we believe it was a huge success.
We had almost 30 representatives from Office National and Office Products Depot stores around Australia in attendance and had some great questions and feedback. We hope that we cleared up the majority of the outstanding issues around RObI, WebSphere and how they relate to you as a Readysell user.
As a follow up, we would like to hold another integration-related Webinar after the Easter break. This time, we are looking to run it as an “open forum†format where everyone will have the opportunity to ask questions at any time. In preparation, we would like to know if you have any areas that you would like covered, feedback on what days/times suit you best and any suggestions for improvements we can make on our last Webinar session.
We look forward to hearing from you and will have more information about our next webinar in the coming days.