We’re pleased to announce that Readysell 8.59 (codename “Naas”) is rolling out progressively to all of our Readysell 8 customers. This release is focused on implementing some important service enhancements, improvements to the framework of the whole application, and actioning bugs that have been reported over the last period.

New feature Development
16009 – (applicable to particular customers) – Added a select all option when updating the price for multiple style products. Relates to ticket 28161
16009 – Added new return field for Get Products API. “DescriptionText” returns the products description without the html
16009 – Added new query for Get Contracts API. You can return all contracts that include a specific product id or card id
16084 – Added the capability to be able to auto increases meters that have a type of service. Relates to ticket 25091. See the following documentation for how to set this up link to relevant documentation
16197 – Add a new checkbox “One Invoice per Email by Email Batch” in customer settings in cards to optionally send batch emails of invoices as one PDF file instead of one PDF per sale invoice
16198 – Added combined option to turn the ship button into “Ship And Pick” button for sale orders. To enable you need to turn on the ORDER-SHIP-PICK under the Sales system type
16199 – (applicable to particular customers) – Import carrier from web orders. If the web order flows into Readysell with a carrier that carrier will be inserted into its sale order. Relates to ticket 28190
16203 – Added “Round to Nearest dropdown” to product import rules. Allows for the product’s Price Sell to be rounded to the nearest five cents, ten cents or whole dollar.
16221 – Modified Machine Last Communication Date. It is now a persistent field that be set outside of a meter count and get be used in the filter editor. link to relevant documentation
Bug Fixed:
15570 – Fixed an issue where Email Variables for email batches were pulling from the email batch header instead of the email batch line. This fix will allow for the Card ID and Transaction Numbers to be parsed per email. Relates to tickets; 28289, 28477, 28494 link to relevant documentation
16195 – Removed the “Warranty Claim” button for stores that do not have the service module
16207 – Added two system types under Product, “ALLOW-RS3-ARCHIVE-PRODUCT-SUPPLIERS”. If true, the RS3 feed can archive product supplier when the supplier has 0 quantity on hand. And “USE-RS3-VARIANCE-CALCULATION” will always update products cost and unit of measure unless set to true as this enables the legacy calculation for determining whether to update the supplier cost and unit of measure for products. Relates to ticket 29411
16214 – (applicable to particular customers) – Reworked XchangeIT to use barcodes instead of serial numbers for DD3, SL3, RTF3 files
16220 – Fixed an issue where a store’s Product ID was sending instead of Supplier Product ID For Dynamic EDI Ordering
16239 – Fixed an issue where Manual Qty Scan was disabled for Shipments with a status of InProgress
16242 – Updated Calculate Route within the Delivery module (Previously was not working)
16252 – Fixed an issue where creating new versions of a contract would remove the previous version of the contract from existing sale orders
To check what version of Readysell you are currently running, click file up the top left of any screen and then click about.

And the following window will appear, where you can compare your version number to upcoming release number above.