We’re pleased to announce that Readysell 8.62.11xx is rolling out progressively to all of our Readysell 8 customers. This release is focused on implementing some important service enhancements, improvements to the framework of the whole application, and actioning bugs that have been reported over the last period.
New Feature Development
17047 – [WooCommerce] Order status will now update to WooCommerce when the Sale Invoice becomes posted or Sale Order Cancelled – Relates to ticket 51341
17048 – [WooCommerce] Added the ability to preform a full Refund from WooCommerce by cancelling the Sale Order in Readysell – Relates to ticket 51341
17049 – [WooCommerce] Sale Pricing in WooCommerce can now be updated by using Readysell contract price – Relates to ticket 48232
17064 – [Shopify] Add integration to identify which orders from Shopify are classed as “Order Risk” and the order will be put on hold
17087 – Added “IsPrimary” to Bulk Update Run Product Supplier
17088 – MYOB Journal integration with Readysell dissections data for reporting in Myob AccountRight Desktop and Cloud
17093 – [applicable to particular customers ] Created a new independent contract sync task separating from the existing overall sync task
17104 – Added the ability to set “ValueCostExTax” in Stock Qty Adjustment module
17136 – Created supplemental Klaviyo task to download and import profiles from Klaviyo
17141 – [Retail POS] Added product details on completed sale screen in order to Gift Voucher details
17137 – [Retail POS] Gift voucher expiry date will now display on the sale screen after it is scanned or if it’s barcode is manually typed – Relates to ticket 60752
17139 – [Retail POS] Added a “Refresh QOH” button on the sale and order screens
Bug Fixed
16801 – [applicable to particular customers] Fixed an issue where any change on a customer card was triggering the customer contracts to send to the web – Relates to ticket 43423, 43798, 47053 & 46182
16863 – [applicable to particular customers ] Fixed an issue where the product sync last modified date and product last modified date was using a different time zone
16906 – [applicable to particular customers ] Fixed an issue to stop contracts based on mark up from cost and percentage discount from unexpectedly re-uploading to web Relates to ticket 48681 & 52880
17050 – [WooCommerce] Altered the product permalink in WooCommerce use Readysell product name. Ensure you have unique product names – Relates to ticket 48281 & 51469
17055 – [WooCommerce] Fixed the category slug (friendly URL category name that appears in the URL) not updating with a category name. It will now use the Readysell web category name converted to lowercase – Relates to ticket 55908
17073 – [Shopify] Fix an issue where phone numbers from Shopify were not having their prefix removed
17074 – [Shopify] Added Payment verifcation when more than one payment was received from Shopify
17095 – Audit trail for sale order now shows which site is chosen during creation of a sale order and if the site is changed it will also show the previous and newly changed site – Relates to ticket 56973
17090 – Fixed the validation for the complete action button for service order. The system now checks stock on hand in the same way as the complete action button on a sales order – Relates to ticket 57518
17091 – Fixed an issue while invoicing multiple shipments that was resulting in the wrong each cost in invoice
17117 – Fixed an error that was occurring when linking a sale order to a existing service order
17126 – Fixed sale shipment lines not prioritising chosen location from service order line
17128 – Kit master lines on shipments should now have a consistent each unit quantity based on the product unit from the mobile app
17140 – [applicable to particular customers] Fixed an incorrect kit component line while invoicing
17143 – Delivery fee (Fuel Levy) can now be controlled by contracts
17101 – [Retail POS] End of day cash counts with zero will no longer be created in Readysell
17135 – [Retail POS] Added functionality to check if any customer card with missing phone, email, or suburb and fetch the data again if missing
To check what version of Readysell you are currently running, click file up the top left of any screen and then click about.

And the following window will appear, where you can compare your version number to upcoming release number above.