We’re pleased to announce that Readysell 8.44 (codename Galilee) is now rolling out to all of our Readysell 8 customers. This release is focused on further improvements to Office Brands and industry integration, the service module, and fulfilling some of our top user requests. Place your GNS orders faster with EDI…
“Better Together” with Office Brands at Expo 2017
Once again, team members from Readysell will be in attendance at the Office Brands Expo to catch up with our valuable customers, to help answer any questions or address any concerns you may have. This year, Expo is being held in Cairns and is a combined for Office Brands (Australia)…
Changes to ticket submission from Readysell 8
Readysell 8 has a handy feature that allows you to directly submit tickets from the “Support” button in the “Tools” menu. If you’ve used this feature recently and clicked on the “Attachments” tab, you may have noticed this message: Unfortunately, in the transition to our new helpdesk system, one of…