Below is a brief point-form summary of what needs to be done in to run a full stocktake for an entire store. Run stock on hand report before you commence stocktake, log onto Readysell, select report wizard, type = management, description = stock on hand report; highlight it and click…
End of Year Procedure
Below is a brief point-form summary of what needs to be done in respect to the End of Financial Year. IMPORTANT: Please make sure that a End Of Financial Year Backup is done and Removed from your Current Backup set and KEPT SITES THAT ARE NOT RUNNING READYSELL GENERAL LEDGER…
Adding Images To Your Readysell Product File
A new document has been created and called “Adding Images To your Readysell Product Fileâ€. This document will show you how can can associate images of products for display in your Readysell system. You can download the document in the “Support Downloads” section of our web site under “Readysell Version 7” > “Basics”…
New Documents Now Available
3 new documents relating to Readysell 7 functionality have now been released: V7 Creating Your Own Flyers/Promotions (Available under the “Products and Stock†category) V7 Adding On A New Staff Member Operator Code (Available under the “Basics†category) V7 Customer Payments At The Front Counter POS (POS = Point Of Sale) (Available under…
Last Week’s Webinar
A big thank you to all of our customers that attended the Readysell-Office Brands Integration Webinar last Thursday. This was our first experiment with the format and we believe it was a huge success. We had almost 30 representatives from Office National and Office Products Depot stores around Australia in…
Readysell-Office Brands Integration Webinar
This coming Thursday the 25th of March at 2pm Sydney time, Readysell will be hosting a Webinar covering all of the integration points between Readysell and WebSphere. We will be paying specific attention to the recently added Contract Upload component, however will also be covering Order Imports, Store Product Uploads…
Microsoft Security Essentials Update
For our customers who have moved over to Microsoft Security Essentials, there has been an update to the software and we recommend you check that you are up to date. For users who are running Windows XP as an Administrator, no action is required. However, if you are running as…
Management Report Feedback
You should now have received your new Readysell 7 Management Reports. You can locate them on your Readysell Report Wizard screen. For our customers that haven’t had the time to look at them yet, we would like to provide a quick summary of the information they contain. We look forward…
Readysell 7 Management Reports
The new Readysell 7 Report Writer has been available to our customers for some time now and the feedback we have received has been very good. Building on this feedback, we have released a new group of Reports called under the category “Management Reportsâ€. Tonight we will release a full…
Readysell to WebSphere Contract Integration
After extensive testing at a number of pilot sites, Readysell is pleased to be rolling out the contract price integration component of RObI to all Office Brands members. We are currently in the process of installing the necessary components on each server – this should be completed shortly. However, we…