Transitioning products from Cumberland Stationery to ACCO Brands

Transitioning products from Cumberland Stationery to ACCO Brands

As you are likely aware, ACCO Brands Australia has announced the acquisition of all brands and distribution rights from the Cumberland Stationery Co Pty Ltd, effective 1 February.

Cumberland Stationery

Starting next week, Office Brands will have updated the supplier data on affected products. Please use the instructions below to ensure these changes flow through to your system correctly.

Readysell 8

Effective next week:

  • If you have automatic price updates turned on (click here to find out), and have not changed the default behaviour of the “Override Primary Supplier”, then nothing further is required. Readysell will automatically move the Cumberland Stationery products to ACCO Brands.
  • If you have automatic price updates on and have tweaked your product import rules to uncheck the “Override Primary Supplier” flag, you will need to perform a price book run or bulk update run to change the supplier on affected products from CUMSTA to ACCAUS.
  • If you currently load catalogues manually, you will need to load the latest comprehensive catalogue update.

Once all outstanding open items are paid:

  • Use the “Merge” button on cards to merge the CUMSTA supplier into the ACCAUS supplier.

Readysell 7

Readysell 7 does not automatically change supplier codes on your existing products when Office Brands changes the supplier code. To change the supplier you must use the “change one field” button from browse catalogues in the price change module. Please see the document “Updating one field from a catalogue” for more details.

Warning: If you do not want to change all suppliers, you have to create a query wizard when you process the “change one field” button. The query wizard can limit the changes to just the suppliers you want to get rid of. If you do not do this properly, all your supplier codes will change to line up with Office Brands. We suggest you try this procedure on test before you do it on live.

Need more assistance?

We’re here to help should you have any questions or concerns. We can even help you perform this update on your data (at regular support rates). Please open a ticket and we’ll answer any questions you may have.