Readysell “Jardine” June 2021 update

Readysell “Jardine” June 2021 update

We’re pleased to announce that Readysell 8.59 (codename “Jardine”) is rolling out progressively to all of our Readysell 8 customers. This release is focused on implementing some important service enhancements, improvements to the framework of the whole application, and actioning bugs that have been reported over the last period.

New feature Development

15767 – Developed Integration with new IFS framework

15724 (applicable to particular customers) – Developed standalone Readysell POS integration with new IFS framework

16105 – Modified functionality so Readysell will ignore and/or not update unit price/cost when doing an import – if the fields ‘Price Import Adjustment Factor’ on Product and ‘Cost Import Adjustment Factor’ on Product Supplier have value

16108 – Developed integration with a new FTP server to upload BI files for some customers.

16102 – Modified functionality to use ‘system date’ not ‘transaction date’ on-contract price for sales. We have created a new system type: ‘RETAIN-CONTRACT-STARTDATE’ under CONTRACT where, if set to true, the system will retain the existing start date of a contract when creating a new version of an existing contract

15916 – Increased service order repair description.  Increased maximum character count from 2048 characters to 4,294,967,295 characters.

Bug Fixed:

15895 – Post Delivery overriding the existing delivery date and time. This has been changed to only override with current date and time if a delivery date time is missing.

16092 – Purchase Run that generates indent product, now uses the same logic as back-order calculation – instead of using min/max or average calculations.

16109 – Updated ESD to try and fetch images from the web before trying to fetch from local storage. This now matches API logic.

16111 – Fixed a bug where – if a machine had a product type of either ‘comment’ or ‘MeterChargeComment’ – the machine would fail a validation check and stop the further creation of shipment lines.

16118 – Fixed an issue where monthly sales runs were not running as scheduled.

*Note: the referenced POS is a standalone POS – only relevant for a particular set of customers. These features are not relevant to the Readysell POS functionality.