
Additional Data on Purchasing Screens

Additional product data has been added to various purchasing screens.

Now that all Readysell customers have now been transitioned to EzyCode, you may need to reference the legacy product code in some cases. You can find the legacy code in “Previous Code” field on the following screens.

Purchase Order Entry Screen

Purchase Order Work File Screen

Additionally, we have added the Supplier Code to the following screen.

Purchase Receipt Entry Screen

Automatically Printing Devliery Dockets

Readysell can now be set up to print an invoice formatted as a delivery docket after every sale. The system reference is type “SALE” code “PRINT-DEL-DOCKET-WITH-INVOICES”.

If you would like to use this feature, start sales to create the system reference. Then from system admin set the value of the system reference to 1.

For a full list of changes with the latest version of Readysell, please review our Release Notes under “Support Downloads” on our web site.

It’s that time of year again…

imageIt’s amazing how fast the year can pass us by. As another holiday season approaches, the management and staff at Readysell would once again like to extend their thanks and gratitude to their valuable customers for the continuing support over the last year. We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year.

The Readysell office will be closed this year from midday on Wednesday, 22nd of December, 2010 and business will resume on the Tuesday, 4th of January, 2011. As per our regular after hours service, Greg and John will be available during this period for critical support issues only.

We would like to send out a warm welcome to our new customers this year, welcome to the Readysell family. We hope that your transition to Readysell has been painless and we have made your business more effective. Thank you too to all of our customers, new and old, for your ongoing business, thoughtful feedback and continued support.

Best Wishes,
Greg, John, Adam, Diane, Dianne, Sharon, Sue & Tony

Release Notes

We would like to remind our customers that summarised release notes are available on our web site in the “Support Downloads” section under Readysell 7 > Release Notes. Going forward, we will be endeavouring to send more frequent notifications when new release notes are available.

We encourage all customers to check the release notes when they become available to see what new features and changes have been made to your system.

Loading the ED05 Education Flyer

We have had reports about incorrect sell prices from members who have loaded flyer ONED05. Upon checking with head office we have been advised that ONED05 is a Government Flyer. As a result it has to be loaded in a different way to a normal Flyer. Whether or not you have already loaded ONED05, the procedure below will result in loading of the correct prices for this flyer.

The replacement Flyers which will be deployed on Wednesday 01/12/2010 are named:

  • ONED05G – ONED05 Education Flyer 01/10/2010 – 31/03/2011 Gov (for Office National)
  • OPDED05G – OPDED05 Education Flyer 01/10/2010 – 31/03/2011 Gov (for Office Products Depot)
How to Load

ONED05 – ONED05 Education Flyer 01/10/2010 – 31/03/2011 or OPDED05 – OPDED05 Education Flyer 01/10/2010 – 31/03/2011 should be loaded as you would load a normal Catalogue, however you will have to remove the active start and end dates.

Next you must load the ONED05G – ONED05 Education Flyer 01/10/2010 – 31/03/2011 Gov or OPDED05G – OPDED05 Education Flyer 01/10/2010 – 31/03/2011 Gov flyers as Government (like you would with a normal Catalogue), making sure the active start and end dates are active.

Readysell Customers Win Big at Office Brands AGM

At last month’s Office Brands Expo/AGM, Readysell customers took out 5 of the 6 member award categories. We would like to send out congratulations to all of these members for their hard work.

WebSphere Excellence Award

MBA Office National

Branding Excellence Award

The Paper Bahn Office National

Group Rooking of the Year

Complete Stationery Office Products Depot, Launceston

Member of the Year Award

The Paper Bahn Office National

10 Year Award

Officeway Office National

How Readysell Converts Office Brands to EZ-Codes

Readysell has created a document to give our Office Brand Customers an understanding on what takes place to converting  stores to EZ-Codes.

Readysell has a document available on our web site in the Support Downloads section. You can find it under Readysell 7 Office Brands as “EZ-Code Change Over”. Please refer to this document for more information about EZ Codes and how this affects your Readysell software.

Brother/Stationery News Reseller of the Year Results

Terry Murphy and Chris Hoban of Surry Office NationalBarry Patterson and wife Debbie of The Paper Bahn Office NationalReadysell would like to congratulate Surry Office National and The Paper Bahn Office National for taking out the Brother/Stationery News Reseller of the Year awards in their respective categories. Both long-time Readysell customers, these dealers have won the top award amongst a pool of over 1000 nominations.

This is the first time Office Brands members have wom both award in the same year. “This has been the culmination of a lot of hard work, said Surry owner Chris Hoban. “We have really tried to do things a little differently over the past few years and today is the culmination of all of that effort,” The Paper Bahn, owner Barry Paterson said.

We hope that we can continue provide the necessary tools to assist all of our customers in further growing their businesses and we hope to see even more Readysell customers amongst the finalists in years to come.

Introducing Our Newest Team Member

We’d like to send out a long overdue welcome to our newest team member, Tony Zhu. Tony joined Readysell in late July and has been helping with the development of Readysell 8 and Readysell’s various .NET projects. As Adam will be on holidays for the next month, you may be hearing a bit more from Tony, so here’s a brief introduction.

My name is Tony Zhu and I’d like to introduce myself as a recent addition to the Readysell team.

I’ve joined the team as a Analyst Programmer after working for the last 4 years at a software company targeting financial services as a software developer. Some of my other experiences include software developing at a software center of a large oil and gas company in Beijing.

I’m hoping that my wide ranging experiences as well as specific skills with software developing technologies can be applied to my new role at Readysell. I am excited about helping improve the effectiveness and efficiency of operations here at Readysell  and am confident that these improvements will flow on to each of Readysell’s clients.

I look forward to working with all of you.

We are very excited to have Tony on board, welcome to the team!