This is a summary of the full release document available in the Release Notes folder of the Support Downloads site. The full document includes a more detailed description of the various changes including screenshots. Fixes Corrected bind error message that displayed when printing single return advice reports from the Browse…
“Display on Web Flag”: The Saga Continues
In the previous updates, we had asked Office Brands members to manually update all products that they want to display on the website with the “Display on Web†flag. We have had some feedback and we realise that this is not feasible in all cases as there may often be…
Which computer are you on?
How can I tell? This is a very common question. When you ring Readysell requesting help, we need to know which computer/PC you are on so that we can remotely access it and see what you are looking at. Readysell has made this very simple for you to find. Open…
Listing Products with the “Display on Web Flag”
Yesterday we mentioned that we will be helping Office Brands members prepare their products for an initial upload to WebSphere. Part of this process involved checking the “Display on Web†flag on the relevant store products in Readysell. We have received a number of queries regarding how to check what…
Creating Services Charges
A new document is available in the Support Downloads area of our web site relating to creating services charges. The document covers the basic usage of the “Special Orders†feature of Readysell which allows for creating of service orders. If you have any questions or feedback regarding the document, please…
Uploading Your Products to WebSphere
As part of Readysell’s commitment to the WebSphere Interface, we would like to assist Office Brands members with ensuring their store products are correctly being transferred to the WebSphere eCommerce site. This process involves the following steps: Deleting all existing store products from WebSphere (using the WebShpere Web Admin) Checking…
New Readysell Documents
All of our Office Brands customers have had updated documents deployed to their servers (this excludes any customers running Readysell trial systems). The “Readysell Documents†folder should now be in line with the latest version of the documents currently here at Readysell. Please take a look at those documents and…
Catalogue and Flyer Documentation Update
There is now an updated document on loading catalogues and flyers. This new document adds on how to update product description cases and how to update product code prefixes. The document is located in your RSELLO folder as well as on our Support Downloads site. To find your RSELLO folder,…
RObI Update – Automatic Dealer Ordering
We have been working hard over the last few weeks getting RObI out to as many customers as possible. We are happy to report that nearly every eligible Readysell customer is now running RObI. We are now in the process of turning on a feature that has been exciting for…
Catalogue Update
The following data has been released by Office Brands Head Office and is ready to be loaded into your Readysell system. 20091028Data October Monthly Data Changes (to be run like a catalogue – Normal & Government) For more information about loading catalogues into Readysell, please review the support material on…