
Refresher: Cost Breaks and Pack Breaks

A cost break is used when the unit the product is received in is different to the unit cost it is quoted in. For example, Cost P1 is $100 (being the cost of a box of pens).  There are 100 pens per box. Pens are ordered by each pen.

The default cost break will always be set to zero.

To calculate Current Cost from Pack Break

These calculations apply if the Cost Break is set to 0.

If Pack Break > 0

Current Cost = Cost P1 / Pack Break

If Pack Break < 0

Current Cost = Cost P1 x Pack Break

To calculate Current Cost from Cost Break

These calculations apply if the cost break is NOT set to 0.

If Cost Break is > 0

Current Cost = Cost P1 / Cost Break

If Pack Break < 0

Current Cost = Cost P1 x Cost Break

See the chart below for some examples

Cost P1 Retail Break Pack Break Cost Break Calculated Current Cost From Pack Break Calculated Current Cost From Cost Break Qty Purchased Change In stock on hand

































Handling wanted changes to products caused by catalogues

Over the past few months there has been an increasing need to be able to track the changes to costs and breaks caused by catalogues. The reason for this need is:

  • To set your own sell prices for products
  • To buy products in different units to that suggested by the catalogues

As such, Readysell has made some changes to the system to help in this area.

  1. We have created a new report to better track changes to cost caused by catalogues
  2. We have allowed for the cost on products to be quoted in a different unit to the unit you actually stock it in
  3. We have also allowed for products to be purchased in a different unit to the unit the product is stocked in. In which case both the cost on the purchase order and the quantity received into stock are adjusted.

All of these changes are outlined in a document called “Catalogue Cost Change Tracking” in the Downloads section of our web site under “Office Brands”.

Loading the WEB01 catalogue

Recent changes to WebX have added many previously non-catalogue items to the Office Brands range. These products (mostly toners) are contained within the WEB01 catalogue.

The result of this is that members who have already stocked these items independently now have to merge the catalogue items into their existing product file. Readysell has developed a series of reports to assist with this data merge.

What is WEB01?

  • Primarily related to a full range of ink cartridges
  • Involves products that have never been on catalogues
  • Is being placed on the website by head office
  • Will create many duplicates as members will have made up their own codes for the products in the past
  • Barcodes vary for the same cartridge. So matching WEB01 products to existing products is particularly difficult
  • Will be updated every month. So once it is loaded the WEB01 catalogue will keep your prices updated each month as well as adding a few new products on a monthly basis

What new reports are available?

The 3 new reports we produced help identify duplicate products before or after loading WEB01 or any other catalogue. These reports are as follows


This report gives you products to catalogue where the product is not an EZ-code. Also, the barcode matches a catalogue product that does have an EZ-code.


This report gives you products to catalogue where the product is not an EZ-code. Also, the product less the prefix matches a catalogue product that does have an EZ-code.


This report gives you products to catalogue where the product is not an EZ-code. Also, the supplier’s code matches a catalogue products that does have an EZ-code.

With each of these reports:

  • Run the report
  • Close query
  • Enter a start and end catalogue code

What next?

Each report gives you an actin:

  1. Remove: If the product already exists as an EZ-code, remove the duplicate product.
  2. Change: If the product exists on the file but it is not a duplicate then change the product code.

Converting your existing products to EZ-codes

Readysell has developed a feature for Office Brands members who have items in their product file that are yet to be converted to Ezy-Codes. This procedure involves matching various alternate product IDs against data extracted from the Office Brands Data Portal.

To facilitate this, Readysell has created new screens in Readysell Version 7 to manage the procedure as well as pre-populating the necessary data into your system from the Office Brands Data Portal. We have put together a document called “EZ-Code Matching” in the Downloads section of our web site under “Office Brands” that outlines the steps necessary to apply the Ez-Codes to your existing product file.

Updated Release Notes

There have been a number of changes to the Readysell 7 software over the last few months. While we highlight some of these features on our blog and mailing list, all new features and improvements are documented in our release notes.

As such, we encourage you to keep a close eye on our release notes on our web site. They can be found in the Downloads section under Readysell Version 7 > Release Notes. If you visit this page you will see 3 documents for Janurary 2012, February 2012 and March 2012. Please review these to see a summary of what’s new in the Readysell software.

If your system has not received an upgrade with these new features and you are interested in receiving them, please submit a ticket to our Support Centre and one of our support staff will arrange for your system to be upgraded.

Reminder: User Group Meeting for Office Brands Members

Just a reminder for anyone who hasn’t registered their interest yet.

Readysell is planning some user group meetings for our Office Brands customers. We plan to cover the following areas:

  • Common issues and areas of interest with the Readysell 7 software
  • Roadmap of Readysell’s future direction
Depending on the level of interest, we may hold these meetings in various capital cities around Australia. We have a questionnaire available at which we request you complete as soon as possible. Based on the feedback we receive we will provide an update with dates and locations of these meetings in the near future.

User Group Meeting for Office Brands Members

Readysell is planning some user group meetings for our Office Brands customers. We plan to cover the following areas:

  • Common issues and areas of interest with the Readysell 7 software
  • Roadmap of Readysell’s future direction
Depending on the level of interest, we may hold these meetings in various capital cities around Australia. We have a questionnaire available at which we request you complete as soon as possible. Based on the feedback we receive we will provide an update with dates and locations of these meetings in the near future.

WEB01 Catalogue

Readysell is in the process of testing some new merging catalogue merging procedures internally. Because of a high risk of product duplication, we request that customers do not load the WEB01 catalogue into their system unless explicitly advised to do so.

The new merging procedures and associated reporting will be available in the next week or so. Once this is ready, we will provide instructions on how to best proceed with loading this catalogue.

If you have accidentally loaded this catalogue, please contact our support team for assistance.